Chicago North Western GP7 4153 from a Proto 2000 Model

Finished Shots:

Construction shots:

CNW 4153 started out as a Proto 2000 GP7 I stripped. The prototype seems to be an oddball to some degree. It is the only CRP GP7 that the CNW got when Rock Island shut down that they chopped the nose on. Also, unlike the rest, it has later GP9 stantions, which leads me to believe it was a wreck repair, but I'm not sure.
I took the stock nose that came with the kit, cut it down and grafted the top of the nose back on for the short hood. I then fabricated a new low hood access panel out of styrene sheet. The cab face was built up from a C&P Shops (since out of production) resin numberboard housing and a Des Plaines Hobbies split windshield casting. For the roof access panels, I used styrene cut to the right size and glued tabs into the approximate locations from the measurements I have from a CRP GP7. Also, the unit got four exhaust stacks somewhere along the line, so the stock Proto 2000 ones were cut off and Detail Associates non turbo exhaust stacks were installed.
The skirting on the frame was cut to match photos, and the detail from the pilot faces were razed. New skid plates were fabricated from styrene, a plow was fitted, cut bars were added and new MU hose holes were drilled. The fuel tank is a Kaslo CNR GP9R tank, which is very similar to the angled tanks that quite a few of the CRP GP7's recieved apon rebuilding. The sideframes were replaced with Athearn Blomberg B sideframes, a speed recorder was added.
Next, a Precision Scale beacon casting was added along with a Details West horn and firecracker antenna. Detail Associates eyebolts replaced the plastic Proto ones, and I replaced the plastic grab irons with Tichy 18" drop grab irons. I replaced the stock Proto GP7 cast handrails with a set of GP9 stamped handrails from another Proto 2000 model.
The unit went through an abrasive blasting to etch all surfaces for maximum paint adhesion and prepped for painting.
For painting, the unit was primed with Floquil, oversprayed with Scalecoat II white, then Testor's acryl Chrome yellow, Model Master Japanese Imperial Green for the body, a mix of Floquil black, grimy black and primer gray for the anti skid on the walkways and nose, and floquil engine black for the mechanism.
The decals are microscale from several different sets...there are approximately 100 decals on the unit, and the entire unit was semiglossed with half Testor's glosscoat and half Testor's dullcoat thinned with lacquer thinner.
I machined the weight and installed a Train Control Systems A6X decoder, to which Miniatronics 1.5 volt 30ma bulbs are installed and run to the headlights.


© Copyright 2007 Kelley Duford
Last Updated 6/24/2007